original watercolor onions: 9" x 12"
we’ve got the blues
that’s certainly true
but we’ve also got
‘magination, a lot!
so natur-ally
these onions, three
came out just to pose
and away those blues go!
The materials available through this Web site and other Web sites owned or provided by Bertie Brown are the property of Bertie Brown, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. If you wish to use any text or imagery from Bertie Brown Web sites, please obtain written permission by contacting Bertie Brown directly. Inline linking and content framing is also prohibited.
Methods and Madness
Sometimes I paint fast and loose
Other times quite controlled
The subject decides the method
But each work has the same goal:
A painting that is successful
And beautiful to behold!
cheers to beginnings
for 2000-twenty some
i do hope my paintings
are touched with some fun
so here’s to good starts
whatever they be
as wet paper + paint
spread out before me
may each have a touch
of magic i trust
as i draw and paint
with pencil and brush!
Practice makes better
But perfect?
Not ever...
Especially if horn playing
Is what you can do
You’ll prob’ly improve
But that’s questionable, too
My advice to you
Buy a French Horn Kazoo!
Gossip Girls
The sunflower girls are gettin’ together for lunch
And gossip and news at the “Cafe Munch Bunch”.
The menu for today's Sunflower Brunch:
Bumble Bee Burgers and Golden Finch Fries
For dessert: Butterfly Splits and Dragonfly Pies....
So do not tarry, don't be late
For this fine midday tete-a-tete!
Harmo-nious Perso-nious
went out for a run
this very fine day
had lots to be done
stuff that gets in the way
of some fun in the sun
but nature’s libretto
called out ceremo-nious
in pleasing vibrato
a sound tremolo-nious
twas something I sought to
experience in perso-nious
and when I got done
on this very fine day
from my run in the sun
I was all tuned up and completely harmo-nious
and this is the question
can I toss intention
and renounce all strife
at this stage of life?
could I, if you please,
watch daytime TV
munch croissants with cheese
sip Long Isle Iced Teas
would I, do you see,
be happy with ease??
The Blog
Hey there mommy
Guess what Daddy
Grandma BB
Got accepted
To a website
Or a blogsite
Which is just
What Grandma BB thinks is great luck!
She’ll post paintings
That are waiting
To be purchased
By a merchant
Or collector
Art inspector
Or someone
Who loves her work and wants to buy some......
She will prob’ly
Post our Ozzie
And that work she
Titled “Sophie”
She’ll work hours
Posting flowers
Music themes
And in between
Some landscape scenes....
Then we’ll wait here
Hope and pray here
That somebody
Sees her work there
And sends e-mails
With some details
Of an order for
A work to fit their decor!
It’s Me That You See
Sophie was curious
And, oh so serious
“BB,” she inquired
“When you are inspired
How long does it take
You to draw and paint
A bright pretty picture
A special scene captured?”
“Well Sophie, my muse
You’re here with me, too
So you do have some clues
Regarding all that I do
But I’ll answer quite simply:
A painting takes distinctly
As long as it seems
That I have been me
And it’s me in those paintings,
If you look closely, you’ll see.”
I say that emphatically
And slightly dramatically!
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