
Welcome to my blog where you can view a sampling of my watercolor paintings and discover why for me, Art Is Instrumental. These, as well as many more in my studio, are for sale and looking for good homes!

The materials available through this Web site and other Web sites owned or provided by Bertie Brown are the property of Bertie Brown, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. If you wish to use any text or imagery from Bertie Brown Web sites, please obtain written permission by contacting Bertie Brown directly. Inline linking and content framing is also prohibited.

Methods and Madness

Sometimes I paint fast and loose

Other times quite controlled

The subject decides the method

But each work has the same goal:

A painting that is successful

And beautiful to behold!


Click to email Bertie Brown

Still Life Paintings

The Aromatics
original: 9" x 12'
Old Yeller
original: 9" x 12"
original: 8" x 10"
original:10" x 14"
original: 10" x 14"
original: 9" x 12"
original: 10" x 14"
original: 9" x 12"
original: 10" x 14"
Circling Back
original: 12" x 15"
original: 10" x 14"
original: 8" x 10"
original: 9" x 12"
original: 9" x 12"
original: 9" x 12"
Bottle 'oWine
original: 12" x 16"
Anita's Palette
original: 12" x 16"
original: 11" x 15"
Rhythm 'n Blues
original: 11" x 15"
March into Spring
original: 10" x 14"
sCat 2018!
original: 9" x 12"
Winter Sunflowers
original: 10" x 13"
Veggie Tails
original: 10" x 14"
Rough 'n Red-dy
original: 12" x 14" 
The Veggie Table
original: 9" x 12"
Bloomin' Stew
original: 10" x 14"
original:10" x 14"
Veggie Tails 
original:10" x 14"
original: 9" x 12"
original: 10" x 14"
Bloom 'n Fruit
original: 10" x 14"
February Fruit 'n Flowers
original: 10" x 14"
February Fruit Cup
original: 6 1/2" x 15"
January 74
original: 15" x 15"
Musical View
original: 12" x 12"
Winter Blues
original: 15" x 15"
June Tune
original: 10" x 14"
January Thaw
original: 10" x 14"
June Muse
original: 11" x 15"
Cold Play
original: 10" x 14"
Pot 'o Posies
original: 9" x 12"
original: 10" x 13"
Ornamental  Brass
original" 10" x 13"
Divas All
original: 7" x 10"
Posies & Posers
original: 15" x 17"
Spring is in the Air
original: 10" x 14"
Mamie's Lamp
original: 13" x 16"
This Little Light of Mine
original: 11" x 14"
Gone Girl
original: 10" x 14"
original: 12" x 14"
The Soloist
original: 11" x 15"
Glassified Information
original: 15" x 17"
Glass and Brass are a Pain in the ___
original: 19" x 26"
Glassified in-Formation
original: 12" x 14"
original: 14" x 18"
I've Got Sunshine
original: 14" x 16"
The Bee's Knees
original: 12" x 14"
original: 15" x 15"
Rhytm 'n Blues
original: 15" x 15"
original: 9" x 14"
original: 11" x 15"
original: 11" x 15"
Workshop Workout
20 1/2" x 22 1/2"
Catching Rays
original: 8" x 11"
My Old Fashioned Girl
original: 15" x 17"
Keeping Up With Ap-Pear-ances
original: 8" x 11"
Keeping Up With Ap-Pear-ances
original: 8" x 11"
Keeping Up With Ap-Pear-ances
original: 8" x 11"
original: 15" x 17
original: 17" x 15"
original: 11" x 14"
original: 12" x 14"
Apple Stack
original: 5" x 7"
Orange You Glad
original: 9" x 9"
Apple Stack
original: 10" x 10"
On A Winter's Day
original: 9" x 12"
Com-Posers Companion
original: 11" x 15"
Apple Corps
original: 9" x 12"
Grace by Design
original: 17" x 22"
Renaissance Girl
original: 8" x 10"
My Girl
original: 15" x 18"
The Girl That I Knew Somewhere
original: 11" x 15"
There's Still Life
original: 10" x 12"
The Girl That I Knew Somewhere
original: 12" x 12"
There's Still Life
original: 11" x 14"
Pic o' Pitchers & Pot
original: 15 1/2" x 17"
original: 9" x 12"
A Radish a Day
original: 8" x 10"
original: 15" x 17"
The BB Bunch
original: 9" x 12"
Music'ly Reclined
original: 10" x 12"
Still Summer
original: 15" x 15"
Back in the Day
original: 11" x 14"
Junque 'n Stuff
original: 11" x 14"
Butterfly Blues
original: 15" x 22"
Transparent Sea
Still Life Sketch
original: 10" x 14"
Music'ly Inclined
original: 15" x 20"
Pear-ed w/Posers
original: 15" x 17"
van Cleve-ish
original: 11" x 15"
Pear-ental Concern
A Day in the Sun
original: 12" x 12"
Cafe au Lait
original: 9" x 12"
The Little Red Table
original: 8" x 11"
Rhythm 'n Blues
original: 11: x 14"
In the Key of Sea
original: 12" x 12"
original: 11" x 12"
Shellf Life
original: 11" x 12"
Indigo Imaging
original: 11" x 14"
Pear Shaped
original: 12" x 13"
Apple Corps
original: 10" x 12"
Blue Plate Special
original: 11" x 12"
original: 10" x 12"
original: 10" x 12"
Poppy Top
original: 8 1/2" x 11"
Musical De-lite
original: 11" x 14"
Fishin' Kitten
original: 10" x 11"
Knitter Kitty
original: 7" x 11"
Musical Review
original: 11" x 14"
Petite Suite
original: 9" x 8"
The Reading Room
original: 7" x 9"
Studio B
original: 7" x 10"
Knitter Sitter
original: 7" x 10"
Petite Suite
original: 6" x 9"
Musical Feast
original: 9" x 8 1/2"
Petite Suite
original: 6" x 9"
Petite Suite
original: 5" x 7"
Petite Suite
original: 5 1/2" x 7 1/2"
Petite Suite
original: 5 1/2" x 7 1/2"
Petite Suite
original: 5 1/2" x 7 1/2"
Treasure Trove
original: 14 1/2" x 17"
Treasure Trove
original: 15" x 11"
Some of Hers
original: 11" x 14"
Pompous Poppy
original: 11" x 14"
Water Girl
original: 15" x 18"
Askew to You
original: 15" x 15"
Endless Summer
original: 22" x 22"
Still Strawberries
original: 6" x 6"
Pears & Pomme
original: 6" x 6"
Cold Storage
original: 8" x 12"
Cor-nucopia/Horns' A-Plenty
original: 22" x 17"
Play Things
Inherent Transparency
original: 7" x 7"
Endless Summer
original: 23" x 22"
original: 14" x 11
original: 11" x 14
Veggie Tails
original: 14" x 11"
Beach Music
original: 19"w x 17"h
original: 15"w x 18"h
Swan Song/Violin, Poppy
original: 18"w x 15"h
Sea Treasures
original: 14"w x 12"h
Rhythm & Blues/Lemon, Apples
original: 14"w x 14"h
Rhythm & Blues/Apples, Bowls
original: 22"w x 30"h
Pepper Patter
original: 10"w x 12"h
Pepper Patter
original: 10" x 12"
Eggplant Eggs-travaganza
original: 14"w x 11"h
Molly's Fat Tire
original: 12"w x 12"h
Pear and Pomegranate Promenade
original: 30"w x 22"
Just Sophie and Me
original:15"w x 17"h
Teas Me
original: 15"w x 15"h
Room With A View
original: 15"w x 18"h
Buoy Joy
original: 15"w x 17"h
Egg Shells
original: 15"w x 15"h

Treasure Hunting
original: 11" x 14"