
Welcome to my blog where you can view a sampling of my watercolor paintings and discover why for me, Art Is Instrumental. These, as well as many more in my studio, are for sale and looking for good homes!

The materials available through this Web site and other Web sites owned or provided by Bertie Brown are the property of Bertie Brown, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. If you wish to use any text or imagery from Bertie Brown Web sites, please obtain written permission by contacting Bertie Brown directly. Inline linking and content framing is also prohibited.

Methods and Madness

Sometimes I paint fast and loose

Other times quite controlled

The subject decides the method

But each work has the same goal:

A painting that is successful

And beautiful to behold!


Click to email Bertie Brown

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Sunnies+One Sunflowers Watercolors by Bertie Brown

The Sunnies+One

original watercolor sunflowers: 10" x 14"

those Gossipin’ Girls

want y’all to know

they’re still hangin’ round

the ‘old folks’ hometown

seems they’re gettin’ set

to host an event

it’s been 50 years

since they left the nest

the menu’s the same

though some might complain

‘cause aging has changed

their innards these days

oh,  Bumblebee Burgers and Golden Finch Fries

will still hit the spot

but Butterfly Splits and Dragonfly Pies

are a bit o’re the top

so do not worry

 it won’t be late 

this midnight soirée 

will close down by 8 



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